EMRPS Photo Charter @ MNR

November 26, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

  Saturday 24th November seen the 4th photo charter from the East Midlands Railway Photographic Society of 2012, and more than likely the last one of the year. This time it was a night shoot taking place at the Mid-Norfolk Railway and was centred around Dereham Station. This was a unique opportunity as it was the first time ever a photo charter had been staged at the MNR.

The evening began with 47579 James Nightall G.C. posing on a rake of Blue and Grey coaches, this is not an MNR resident and instead belongs to Mangapps Farm and as such was the rare loco of the 3 Class 47's that was used. Next up was 47580 County of Essex complete with it's Union Jack flag on the bodysides to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee in the same fashion that 47163 and 47164 carried the Union Jack to celebrate the Silver Jubilee in 1977. Finally it was the turn of Network SouthEast liveried 47596 Aldeburgh Festival to pose.

If that wasn't enough, 08631 Eagle, also looking smart in Network SouthEast livery posed in the yard behind the station with a couple of ballast hoppers, after the 3 Class 47's were photographed at the South End of the station, the lighting was swapped round and the loco's were posed at the North End, this also gave us a unique opportunity to photograph the Class 47's alongside the 08 and as such 47579 was posed and finally 47596 (both 47596 and 08631 look stunning alongside each other in their NSE colours).

All in all, it was a great evening of photography and possibly one of the best EMRPS photo charters I have ever attended although I would not have a particular favourite as each shoot is unique in their own way :).

Many Thanks must indeed go to the Mid-Norfolk Railway for allowing this charter to be held, the EMRPS organisation and lighting crew for their efforts, the train crew who moved and shunted rolling stick around were also superb and of course not forgetting Steve Chaplin for the driving to and from Dereham as well as the overnight stay at Travelodge.


The images from this excellent night can be viewed at http://jamespower.zenfolio.com/p754196463

 Hope you enjoy.





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