Created 25-Nov-12
Modified 25-Nov-12
Visitors 169
0 photos
A nightshoot at the Mid Norfolk Railway, based around Dereham Station seen the following loco's posing:

08631 Eagle
47579 James Nightall G.C.
47580 County of Essex
47596 Aldeburgh Festival

The Class 08 was posed on a short rake of ballast wagons, whilst the 47's took it in turns to pose at the helm of the Blue & Grey coaching stock.

As always, a big well done to the EMRPS and the MNR for a fabulously staged show.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:08631, 47579, 47580, 47596, Dereham, EMRPS, MNR, Mid-Norfolk, Railway

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